Look Good & Feel Great
with Clever Bathroom Storage
Ever since the Edwardian times, after the Industrial revolution of the Victorian era, we’ve loved a clean sparkling bathroom because, not only does it look good, but it also promotes health and wellness.
From washing to personal grooming, every day your bathroom undergoes a rigorous routine in helping you get ready and stay looking good.
With so many lotions and potions, storage is your best friend in any bathroom. It will help to organise a space, creating your practical and tranquil bathroom. But, have you ever considered the different levels of storage that you need?
Let’s start at the bottom! Toilet rolls can be an eyesore in any bathroom. Ideally, you’d only have a couple of spare toilet rolls in your bathroom, with a backup supply elsewhere, such as in an airing cupboard. Then, once a week, flip around your home and make sure the bathrooms are stocked up with toilet rolls.
When I designed my family bathroom, I decided that I didn’t want spare toilet rolls visible in the bathroom, because they clutter the space and are quite ugly, so I made room in a drawer for them.
Now they’re easily accessible and don’t clutter the family bathroom.
A bathroom is usually a shared space with a partner or children, and each person has their own stuff. With the quantity of products, your bathroom can quickly become untidy and arguments ensue when someone uses your stuff. It particularly irks me if my hubby uses my toothpaste and squeezes it from the middle!
Even in the smallest of bathrooms, it’s mindful to give each person their own space. It might be a shelf in a cupboard or a basket at the end of the bath. We all like our own personal space.
With my two children using the family bathroom, I decided to separate one of the sink drawers with plastic containers to define their own space.

I’d initially designed two large and four small containers, but my daughter decided that she wanted one large and one medium for her things. It’s always wise to give your children a level of independence to decide what they need because this will help them take responsibility for putting their stuff away. These containers are particularly useful because they’re easy to wipe down and keep the drawer clean of product spillages.
Wherever you can, incorporate storage that’s multi-function. Modern bathroom cabinets have shelves for your products, shaver sockets for an electric toothbrush, demister mirrors to stop from steaming up, swipe on and off lights so you don’t have to touch the unit with sticky hands and even blootooth functions for your morning media.

I particularly wanted a shaves socket to hide away the toothbrush charger. Just be aware thought that most sockets are at the top of the cabinets so, if you have a wheelchair or need to sit down at the sink, then you might need a separate shaver socket at a more convenient height.
As I mentioned previously, clever storage will be your best friend in helping you create an organised, practical and stylish bathroom.
Make a list of everything you want to store in your bathroom then ask yourself these questions.
- Does it need to be in your bathroom or could it be stored elsewhere?
- What do you need to be out so that you can see it, and what could be hidden in a drawer/cupboard?
- What will help you keep it organised and tidy?
- How can you find it easily and put it away quickly?
With endless possibilities when designing your practical and stylish bathroom, it can often feel overwhelming, so I’m always here to help and guide you.
Whether you need a total redesign, a professional glance of your new bathroom layout, or assistance choosing products, I’ll advise you on the best way forwards.
BIID Interior Designer & Bathroom Designer
M: 07841 519802
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